Saturday, February 4, 2012


School= Stressful
Whether your in college, high school, or even kindergarten ( One of the hardest times of my life,I mean really do you expect us to ALWAYS color in the lines!). 
                  You have no idea what there talking about half the time because your always suppose to be    learning something" new" every grade.   Its crazy-ness.They throw all this stress on you its hard to think straight, then add work on to that ( how again are these suppose to be the greatest days of our lives?)

But its always nice to know you got someone helping you out, pushing you a long, some one to catch you when you fall, some to be there when all the exams and projects, and social problems, and difficulties with your teachers seem to IMPOSSIBLE to take on... He is there with open arms and a huge smile on His face just knowing that you turned to Him and not drugs, and not alcohol, and not any other addiction that is lesser than Him.

              He just wants to be there for you. To comfort you and to assure you everything will be okay.
                                                         He even promises it.v

Jeremiah 29:11 "  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Though you may not know the future He has got your back and knows the desires of your heart. 

Trust Him. He will always be there for you. 

Have a blessed Saturday :)
   Allison Kate!


  1. You did it! I'm so proud of you, Allison :D Lol, "coloring in the lines" made me laugh SO HARD! You're right, when everything seems too much, He is there, waiting with open arms. It's awesomely mind blowing...B
